In Case You Missed It, Weekend Edition!
In Case You Missed It, Weekend Edition!

There's just too much happening on social media these days. Luckily for you, we don't have anything else to do all day. Here are the biggest lifts (and other stuff too!) you missed for this past weekend, 6/25/15 - 6/28/15.

Alec Smith is like a pocket sized Ben Smith. His older brother outweighs him by at least 25 pounds and is one of the most consistent names in the sport. Alex Smith is the future of the CrossFit Games. Here he is cleaning 355 and then cleaning it again. That's an over double bodyweight clean according to his CrossFit Games profile. He's not a one trick pony either...

...because here he is doing something he calls Olynastics which are essentially a string of "look what I can do!" shenanigans. Incredibly impressive, young Smith. You're my second favorite Alec, behind Sir Alec Guinness and ahead of Alec Trevelyan.

Perry Ellis Jr is an American powerlifter who just set a new American Record in the raw squat with this 793 at 260lb bodyweight. He clearly takes the old platitude "if the bar ain't bendin', you're pretendin'" very seriously. Perry Ellis Jr doesn't pretend.

Misha Koklyaev is a renassiance man in strength sports. He's competed in weightlifting, powerlifting, and strongman, and he's a pretty decent musician too. Here he is using a very technologically advanced Russian pause squat training method with what looks like 495lbs.

Marcus Hendren didn't qualify for the CrossFit Games this year, but he is still way fitter than me or you. How about a 325x3 power clean to really seal the deal for ya? I guess growing up throwing hay bales and picking corn (is that what happens on farms, I have no idea?) really does a growing boy good.

By now you know that as far as bosses go, Rick Ross has nothing on Dan Green. Check him out with some cardio, aka pulling 694 for 5. As far as endurance goes, that may as well be a 5k row for a powerlifter.

Remember Ray Williams? He set a World Record Raw Squat the IPF Championships just a couple weeks ago with 936 pounds. Well this past weekend he deciced to try to break that record with this 948. He's got 5 guys on standby to help him out in case things go south and I still don't think that'd be enough if something went wrong.
There you have it, the biggest lifts and other awesome stuff you missed from 6/25/15 through 6/28/15. If you're falling behind, check out the previous installments:
In Case You Missed It, 6/23/15 and 6/24/15
In Case You Missed It, 6/22/15
In Case You Missed It, Weekend Edition 6/19/15 - 6/21/15
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/18/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/17/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/16/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/15/15 Edition

Alec Smith is like a pocket sized Ben Smith. His older brother outweighs him by at least 25 pounds and is one of the most consistent names in the sport. Alex Smith is the future of the CrossFit Games. Here he is cleaning 355 and then cleaning it again. That's an over double bodyweight clean according to his CrossFit Games profile. He's not a one trick pony either...

...because here he is doing something he calls Olynastics which are essentially a string of "look what I can do!" shenanigans. Incredibly impressive, young Smith. You're my second favorite Alec, behind Sir Alec Guinness and ahead of Alec Trevelyan.

Perry Ellis Jr is an American powerlifter who just set a new American Record in the raw squat with this 793 at 260lb bodyweight. He clearly takes the old platitude "if the bar ain't bendin', you're pretendin'" very seriously. Perry Ellis Jr doesn't pretend.

Misha Koklyaev is a renassiance man in strength sports. He's competed in weightlifting, powerlifting, and strongman, and he's a pretty decent musician too. Here he is using a very technologically advanced Russian pause squat training method with what looks like 495lbs.

Marcus Hendren didn't qualify for the CrossFit Games this year, but he is still way fitter than me or you. How about a 325x3 power clean to really seal the deal for ya? I guess growing up throwing hay bales and picking corn (is that what happens on farms, I have no idea?) really does a growing boy good.

By now you know that as far as bosses go, Rick Ross has nothing on Dan Green. Check him out with some cardio, aka pulling 694 for 5. As far as endurance goes, that may as well be a 5k row for a powerlifter.

Remember Ray Williams? He set a World Record Raw Squat the IPF Championships just a couple weeks ago with 936 pounds. Well this past weekend he deciced to try to break that record with this 948. He's got 5 guys on standby to help him out in case things go south and I still don't think that'd be enough if something went wrong.
There you have it, the biggest lifts and other awesome stuff you missed from 6/25/15 through 6/28/15. If you're falling behind, check out the previous installments:
In Case You Missed It, 6/23/15 and 6/24/15
In Case You Missed It, 6/22/15
In Case You Missed It, Weekend Edition 6/19/15 - 6/21/15
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/18/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/17/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/16/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/15/15 Edition