Kenny Leverich Pulls An "Uncle Drew"

Kenny Leverich Pulls An "Uncle Drew"

Uncle Drew was a character made by Pepsi and played by NBA superstar Kyrie Irving made up to be an old man. The idea behind the skit was to take a professio

Jul 6, 2016 by Armen Hammer
Kenny Leverich Pulls An "Uncle Drew"
Uncle Drew was a character made by Pepsi and played by NBA superstar Kyrie Irving made up to be an old man. The idea behind the skit was to take a professional athlete, make him look really old, and put him up against some young bucks he could school.

Thrillist put Kenny Leverich in make up to look like an 84 year old man and sent him to Muscle Beach in Venice, CA to throw down some weightlifting and gymnastics against the young dudes working out out there and it's INCREDIBLE.

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Kenny plays a pretty convincing old man and the 315 clean & jerk to open up is awesome, but his snatch battle against Shirtless McBuffdude takes the cake.