Julian Alcaraz: Climbing The Leaderboard

Julian Alcaraz: Climbing The Leaderboard

May 20, 2015 by Lauryn Lax
Julian Alcaraz: Climbing The Leaderboard
Julian Alcaraz Jerk

For the past two years Julian Alcaraz of the CrossFit So-Cal Region has been a name and face amidst a sea of other team competitors at the SoCal Regional as part of Team Valley CrossFit.
This coming weekend, however, after finishing 8th in the 2015 Open in the So-Cal Region, he is preparing to march into his first Regional as an individual competitor.
“I remember last year when the workouts for the Regional individuals were released, looking at ‘em, testing them out, and thinking, ‘man I wish I would have been out there.’ I had qualified as an individual, but didn’t have enough confidence in myself and had decided to go team,” he said.
2015 is a different story.
“Alot has happened this past year. I switched boxes to begin training with Becca Voigt and Kris Clevar out of CrossFit Training Yard, and they’ve been great, experienced individual competitors to have as training partners. And, more than anything, I have been working on my mental game—building my confidence that, you know what, I can hang with the other competitors in my region,” Alcaraz said. 
As the sport of CrossFit continues to evolve, so do the names and faces near the top of the leaderboard—Alcaraz is one of those faces. 
While he’s only been training and for a little more than three years, and competing for two, he’s no longer doubting himself. 
“If there’s one thing I have learned about doing well and continuing to make progress and succeed in this sport it is: Know your abilities and trust your abilities. You can’t go out there in any competition and rush things, trying to keep up with everyone else. You just start going at a pace you’re not comfortable at and things go wrong. I try to keep mainly focused on myself now and what I can do,” he said.
In order to continue to progress, this past year in particular, Alcaraz said he connected with a new coach out of the South East Region.
 “I train 5-6 days per week, about 10 sessions total, and even during rest days, I am doing something—active recovery, running, swimming. My training is well-rounded with strength, skill, lifting, conditioning. I get my programming from Emily Bridgers’ husband who sends me and Becca our weekly workouts,” he said.  
Looking forward to the long Memorial Day weekend (and putting all of his training to the test on a bigger stage than he’s ever been on), Alcaraz said he’s tested all of the events during his regular training sessions, but nothing at full speed.
“I am looking forward to all the events and going all out once there. I love Tommy V-I love rope climbs. And stuff that bigger guys have a rougher time doing—like handstand walking. I am not too worried about anything…except maybe the snatch after those handstands, with only two attempts and taxed shoulders. The snatch is probably the lift I can lift the least amount of weight right now. I am working on it—just not there yet,” he said. 
As part of the second weekend of Regionals, did Alcaraz learn anything from the athletes who went last weekend? 
“I watched some of the Regionals last weekend, but tried not to get too into that either. I really just want to be fresh, and focused on what I can do, and those around me in my Region. So while it could be helpful or seem like there is an advantage in going during the second week, instead of the first, I don’t really think it impacted me in any way. This year, it’s time for me to go and see what I can do now with all the work I’ve put in,” he said. 
Get to Know Julian:

1. Athletic Background: Wrestling in high school, then a self-professed gym rat (Before CrossFit, I stayed active with circuit training and kettle bells; lifting but keeping heart rate high)
2. Favorite pre-workout rituals/pre comp: Eat pizza the night before. Nothing nasty, but a good pizza joint.
3. Fav. post comp food/celebration: Mexican Bloody Mary and seafood-something refreshing
4. Must have mobility moves/tools: Crossover Symmetry. Use it for heavy lifting—that and hip circles
5. Fav. workout music: Latin jams
6. Athlete idol: Michele Letendre, Annie Thorisdottir
7. Fav exercise/movement: Squat cleans (352 lb.)
8. Fav benchmark workout: Fran
9. 3 gym bag must haves: My speed rope, my cologne and deoderant, extra pair of underwear (you’ve got to stay clean)

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