David Bedzhanyan Matches Ilya Ilyin's Clean & Jerk WR
David Bedzhanyan Matches Ilya Ilyin's Clean & Jerk WR

At the 2015 Russian Championships David Bedzhanyan matched Ilya Ilyin's 242kg clean & jerk WITH A POWER JERK:
This is likely the heaviest power jerk of all time and it matches the World Record set by Ilya Ilyin at the 2014 World Championships.
Let me tell you something: the crowd at events like the Russian Weightlifting Championships have seen a lot of weightlifting. They're fans, they know the sport. And still, with all that experience, they are shocked at how easily Bedzhanyan cleans 242kg. The crowd literally let's out a collective "Whoa" and someone even giggles because of how insane it is to see a man throw around 533 pounds.
This is likely the heaviest power jerk of all time and it matches the World Record set by Ilya Ilyin at the 2014 World Championships.
Let me tell you something: the crowd at events like the Russian Weightlifting Championships have seen a lot of weightlifting. They're fans, they know the sport. And still, with all that experience, they are shocked at how easily Bedzhanyan cleans 242kg. The crowd literally let's out a collective "Whoa" and someone even giggles because of how insane it is to see a man throw around 533 pounds.