9 Things Only OG CrossFitters Remember

9 Things Only OG CrossFitters Remember

You may think you're an OG CrossFitter, but unless you remember living through your shoes melting during rope climbs you've got no leg to stand on.

Feb 1, 2016 by Armen Hammer
9 Things Only OG CrossFitters Remember
You may think you're an OG CrossFitter, but unless you remember living through your shoes melting during rope climbs you've got no leg to stand on. Check out these 11 things you'll only recognize if you've been in the CrossFit world for a very long time:

1. Vibrams were the original unofficial shoe

If my shoes were any heavier, I wouldn't have gotten that first muscle up

2. FGB was a fundraiser

FGB IV in Los Angeles. Not a single Reebok product in the crowd.

FGB V In Los Angeles. Who's douchebag in the Zebra tights?

3. Sectionals were a thing

Before the Open this guy and his shell necklace came out of nowhere and crushed Sectionals

4. Dave Lipson squatted every day before it was cool

[facebook url="https://www.facebook.com/armen.amirian/videos/523339119105/?l=8125277409095630958"]
Squatting every day for a year in remembrance of Amanda Miller

5. "Amanda" was named after Amanda Miller

Amanda Miller at the 2009 Games
"Amanda" at the 2010 CrossFit Games

6. Prebok

Skinny Rich got 2nd place, and Under Armour gave him a check

7. The Ranch: where Panda Express sponsored the 2009 Games

Seriously, that happened and it's still hilarious

8. Drywall, BSD, Beastmodal Domains, The Naked CrossFitter,Fitness Lonnie

CrossFit's original anonymous asshole
Another one of the original trolls

9. You had to handstand everywhere

How else would people know you're a CrossFitter?

If you liked this list, you'll love the follow up: 7 More Things Only OG CrossFitters Remember

Still want more OG content? Check out this documentary piece on OPT, the first CrossFit Games champ:

Episode 2 on OPT is here