FloTraining 3/19/18 - 3/21/18
FloTraining 3/19/18 - 3/21/18
FloTraining 3/19/18 - 3/21/18 featuring cleans, pressing, conditioning and more.

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FloTraining 3/19/18 - 3/21/18
FloTraining 3/19/18
3 squat cleans
*warm up to something heavy in the first 3 rounds, then use the same weight across the last four rounds
3 rounds for time:
75 double unders
50 air squats
25 calorie row
FloTraining 3/20/18
Find the heaviest weight in the following complex:
1 strict press +
3 push press +
5 push jerk
10 thrusters (75/55)
10 toes to bar
FloTraining 3/21/18
4 rounds for time:
20 burpees
20 hang power snatches (95/65)
20 pull ups
200m run