2018 Kill Cliff Granite Games

2018 Kill Cliff Granite Games Preview: Is This A Future CrossFit Regional?

2018 Kill Cliff Granite Games Preview: Is This A Future CrossFit Regional?

The 2018 Kill Cliff Granite Games are just around the corner. Are we watching a future CrossFit regional unfold before our eyes?

Sep 4, 2018 by Roger Lockridge

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This week is an exciting week for fitness athletes and fans alike. The 2018 Kill Cliff Granite Games is taking place from September 7-9 in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and the competition is going to provide both challenges to the athletes and entertainment for the fans. 

If you can't make it to Minnesota, you can catch the action live right here on FloElite.

If you’ve been following along here on FloElite.com, then you’ve likely seen the videos we’ve shared from the competitions in both 2016 and 2017. As great as those events were, the organizers and athletes hope to raise the bar even higher. Here’s what you need to know about how to be a part of all the happenings this week as the Granite Games unfold.

The Season Continues, & The Future Develops

Many people who are casual followers of fitness feel that the CrossFit Games are the end of the road for the year. Of course this is far from the truth. The Granite Games has earned its own reputation as a prestigious event that athletes from all over want to compete in. Any athlete who feels they can take their foot off the gas at an event like this will certainly be disappointed because there will be competitors in every division looking to achieve not only their best but be the best this weekend.

With the recent changes announced for the CrossFit Games — and what huge changes they were — one story to track is how or if the Granite Games changes this years compared to previous years. The CrossFit changes were obviously huge for the Granite Games, as the St. Cloud event could be an officially sponsored regional event in the future. There hasn’t been any official word yet, but when The Morning Chalk reports that you’re “in discussion” to partner up with the global leader of the sport, then you know you’re in a good spot. 

But the idea that we're watching a future CrossFit-sponsored regional take place before our eyes makes an already-awesome event even more exciting. 

New Workouts, Old Workouts, & Mystery Workouts

Much like other big fitness events, the Granite Games announces some of the workouts and events prior to the start of the competitions. Among those that have been shared include an 800-meter swim, a variety of snatches and thrusters, and 5K runs — among other workouts. The other events haven’t been announced publicly and won’t be up until the day the event is scheduled. It’s one thing to train for what you know is coming, but how do you train for the unknown? That means these athletes had to leave no stone unturned and prepare for anything.

World-Class Athletes

You might have also been getting more interested in this year’s event thanks to the profiles we’ve done on Andrea Nisler, Elvis Kranski, Travis Mayer, and Lacey Truelove. Those are just a few of the estimated 3,000 athletes who will be traveling from across North America as well as three other continents to be a part of the Granite Games. The people who have qualified to go to St. Cloud will all have stories that led them to this point. So aside from the awesome athleticism, you’ll likely be inspired to push yourself on your next workout to levels you didn’t think you could reach. There will also be fewer excuses for anyone to not work harder to get better.

The Future Of Fitness On Hand

Teenagers took part in qualifying events over the course of three weeks. Those that ranked in the top 10 of the two divisions (14-15 and 16-18) were moved on to compete this year at the Granite Games. These could very well be the people you’re either watching or competing against within the next few years. You might want to do some scouting and get an idea of the potential that awaits. 

Community Improvement

Ever since 2013, the Granite Games have looked to do more to benefit others. Past contributions have included donating equipment, offering revenue opportunities, and even offering scholarships to advance health and wellness education. In 2017, rowers, bikes, and shoes were among the prizes sent to communities based on the athlete numbers. CEO John Swanson hasn’t announced what will be done in 2018 but you can bet that it’s something positive that will advance both fitness and the communities that are a part of the movement.

Don't forget to catch all the action right here on FloElite.

Roger Lockridge is from Lewisburg, WV. His work has been featured on numerous platforms and magazines in the fitness industry over the last 10 years. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram @rocklockridge.