2016 Reebok CrossFit Games

Leaving On A Jet Plane!

Leaving On A Jet Plane!

Leave it to Dave Castro to start the Games off with a surprise flight to San Jose. [instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BIFKILlhp0g/" hide_caption="0

Jul 20, 2016 by Armen Hammer
Leaving On A Jet Plane!
Leave it to Dave Castro to start the Games off with a surprise flight to San Jose. 

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BIFKILlhp0g/" hide_caption="0"]

After gathering the athletes together at 3:30AM with a simple packing list, Castro let them know exactly one thing: they're going to LAX and will be flying somewhere.

Over the next hour or so, there were lots of guesses about where they'd end up.

[tweet url="https://twitter.com/ltfisher12/status/755715258337988608" hide_media="0" hide_thread="1"]

The boarding passes gave everyone a pretty good idea though.

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BIFRlD0hM_T/" hide_caption="0"]

So now we know the athletes are flying from Los Angeles to San Jose, and will likely get bussed the 45-50 minutes from San Jose to Aromas, where the Games first started in 2007. 

The Ranch in Aromas holds a lot of history for the Games and it's very likely we'll see a handful of old school events from the Ranch era repeated today. Here are all the events that took place at the Ranch:

2007 Games Events

Event 1 -

For time:
1000m row,
then 5 rounds:
25 pull ups
7 push jerks (135/85)

Event 2 -

5k-ish trail run

Event 3 - 

The CrossFit Total
Back squat 1RM
Strict press 1RM
Deadlift 1RM

2008 Games Events

Event 1 -

"Chest-to-bar Fran"

For time:
Thrusters (95/65)
Chest-to-bar pull ups

Event 2 -

5 rounds for time:
5 deadlifts (275/185)
10 burpees

Event 3 -

750m-ish hill run

Event 4 - 

For time:
30 squat clean & jerks (155/100)

2009 Games Events

Event 1 -

7k hill run

Event 2 -

Deadlift ladder
Men's from 315 to 500, going up 10lb every 30 seconds
Women's from 185 to 375, going up 10lb every 30 seconds

Event 3 -

170m hill sprint with sandbags, 2x35lb for men and 1x35lb for women

Event 4 -

Row 500m
pound a stake into the ground
Row 500m

Event 5 -

3 rounds for time:
30 wall ball (20/14)
30 hang squat snatches (75/45)

Event 6 - 

1RM snatch

Event 7 -

AMRAP 8 minutes:
4 deficit handstand push ups
8 kettlebell swings (70/53)
12 GHD sit ups

Event 8 - 

For time:
15 cleans (155/100)
30 toes to bar
30 box jumps (24/20)
15 muscle ups
30 dumbbell push press (40s/25s)
30 double unders
15 thrusters (135/95)
30 pull ups
30 burpees
300m overhead walking lunges (45/25)

We'll keep you updated as we find out more!