Eddie Hall Squats 345kg/760lb For 6 Reps
Eddie Hall Squats 345kg/760lb For 6 Reps
Watch Eddie "The Beast" Hall squats 345kg/760lb for six reps and check out squat workouts from Zydrunas "Big Z" Savickas and Hafthor "The Mountain" Bjornsson.

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Eddie "The Beast" Hall is best known for having the strongest deadlift of all time, but he is also an incredible strongman and should not be considered a specialist. With World's Strongest Man 2017 in his sights, Hall is working his squats and developing even more leg strength.
[facebook url="https://www.facebook.com/eddiehallwsmlegend/videos/1139021612884950/"]
Hall's squatting 345kg/760lb for six reps here, an incredible feat of strength and he does it with no belt, no sleeves, and no wraps. We've recently seen Zydrunas Savickas hit an equally gnarly squat workout, especially considering how much excess weight Big Z has lost.
[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BNW4Sz-g2w5/" hide_caption="0"]
If that's not enough squat action for you, check out Hafthor Bjornsson's paused squat workout with what seems to be 420lb:
[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BNAgU9tA1fx/" hide_caption="0"]
[facebook url="https://www.facebook.com/eddiehallwsmlegend/videos/1139021612884950/"]
Hall's squatting 345kg/760lb for six reps here, an incredible feat of strength and he does it with no belt, no sleeves, and no wraps. We've recently seen Zydrunas Savickas hit an equally gnarly squat workout, especially considering how much excess weight Big Z has lost.
[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BNW4Sz-g2w5/" hide_caption="0"]
If that's not enough squat action for you, check out Hafthor Bjornsson's paused squat workout with what seems to be 420lb:
[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BNAgU9tA1fx/" hide_caption="0"]