12 Weeks To Better Weightlifting With Danny Camargo Week 3
12 Weeks To Better Weightlifting With Danny Camargo Week 3
This is a 5-day a week, 12-week weightlifting program from one of the best coaches in the world Danny Camargo to build your snatch and clean & jerk.

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Camargo Training: Week 3
Week 3
Clean Lift Off + Clean
3 @ 75%
2 @ 78%
2x2 @ 80%
3x1 @ 83%
Pause Split Jerk (90 seconds rest between sets)
5x2 @ 80%
Back Squat
5x6 as heavy as possible, same weight across
Seated Box Jump
Halting Full Snatch (1-count pause above the knee)
3 @ 50%
2 @ 60%
2 @ 65%
3x2 @ 70%
Mid Hang Snatch High Pulls
4x3 @ 70%
Tempo Overhead Squats (6 second negative, 2 second pause at the bottom)
5x2 @ 30%
Overhead Footwork Drill
3x3 with a barbell
*press the barbell overhead with your jerk grip, then drop into your jerk receiving position
Clean & Jerk
(2+2) @ 78%
4x(1+2) @ 83%
Clean Grip Deadlift
5x4 as heavy as possible without any misses, same weight across
Strict Press
Build up to a 3RM
Core Circuit
AMRAP 10 (as many reps as possible in 10 minutes):
5 atomic sit ups
7 back extensions
9 knees to elbow
11 Russian Twists
*use a 5-10kg plate
Snatch (2 minute rest between sets)
2 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
2 @ 83%
4x1 @ 85%
Snatch Pull
5x5 @ 95%
Touch and Go Drop Snatch
2x4 @ 40%
2x3 @ 45%
2x2 @ 50%
*this is about rhythm and timing of the snatch catch, not the load
Back Squat
5x2 as heavy as possible with no misses, using the same weight across
Hang Muscle Clean
*heavy without dipping at the catch
Behind The Neck Split Jerk
7x1 @ 85%
*minimize rest between sets
Coach Daniel Camargo, founder of Oly Concepts, author of Olympic Weightlifting: Cues & Corrections, is a U.S. Senior International Coach frequently assigned as a Team USA coach at various international competitions - Instagram: @camargo_oly, Website: www.olyconcept.com, Facebook: www.facebook.com/olyconcepts