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Friday Focus: Rachel Martinez
Jan 8, 2015
Collegiate gymnast. Games athlete. New York Rhino. Rachel Martinez first took over the gymnastics world where she competed for the University of Maryland as one of the most consistent and trustworthy leaders, earning accolades that she still cherishes today. When her gymnastics career came to an end, Martinez discovered the new world of CrossFit, and the rest is history. In her last season competing for the Terps, Martinez contributed routines on all four events in all 14 meets, taking four all-around titles and placing in the top 3 in 10 meets. She finished first on floor seven times, claimed four beam titles, three uneven bar titles, and was an NCAA Regional all-around qualifier. Martinez was named first team All-EAGL on beam and floor, and second team All-EAGL on vault, uneven bars, and in the all-around. It’s been 11 years since Martinez attended the University of Maryland, and unsurprisingly, many of her records remain untouched today. As many CrossFitters would tell you, having a gymnastics foundation gives an athlete a huge advantage over their competition, and Martinez uses her gift to her advantage. In 2013, Rachel competed for the CrossFit New England team, who finished 2nd only to Tommy Hackenbruck’s “Hack's Pack”- consisting of Adrian Conway, Michael Cazayoux, Mary Lamps, Lindsey Taylor-Richards, and Erin Bennion. 2014 was Rachel’s individual break-out year, and she certainly made an impact. After taking 3rd at Regionals, she qualified to The Games as an individual athlete, proving not only to herself, but the entire CrossFit community, that she was more than capable of keeping up with the best in the world. The Midline March event was her best finish of the weekend, where she took 8th and secured a 28th overall finish. Because of her strong handstand walks and incredible work on the rig, the former gymnast was the first woman taken in the draft by the NY Rhinos. Make sure to remember the name Rachel Martinez- she’s well on her way to conquering the CrossFit realm. 1. Where did you grow up? On Long Island New York, in a town called North Massapequa. 2. how did you first hear about CrossFit? I was a gymnast from the time I was 6 and continued it through my college years on a full scholarship at the University of Maryland. I heard about Crossfit while walking on the beach a few years after I graduated college and someone asked If I was a cross fitter. I looked it up when I got home that day. 3. What were your first impressions of CrossFit? I thought it was really really hard and never had any intentions of competing or lifting heavy. It only took me about a few months to change that impression. 4. What was your first box? O'Side Crossfit in Oceanside NY 5. Was competition always a goal? Not at all. After I finished my gymnastics career I had been competing for about 15 years so it was nice to just be in a gym to get healthy. I guess my competitive nature kicked in pretty quickly, it only took a few months for me to change my mind and decide I wanted to compete. I was "forced" into my first competition and glad I was b/c competing made me realize I was pretty good at this sport and had so much fun competing in it. 6. Who is your coach and what philosophies do they have? Ben Bergeron is my coach. He thinks that good people make good athletes. He preaches often about doing the right thing and giving each day your very best. He is amazing, not only as a person and a great friend but he is such an amazing coach; I think most of the world of crossfitters would attest to that. 7. How have you seen CrossFit grow over the past few years? In short, everyone is getting so strong and so fast. Athletes are no longer specialist, you see people with faster mile times but also who are lifting a ton more weight at the same time. It is the fastest growing sport not only in visibility but in athlete growth. We have some pretty fit people in our sport! 8. Where/Who do you get your programming from? My coach Ben Bergeron programs for me and I follow his Competitors Training programs. 9. With Reebok 4 years ago, and Nike entering the game, CrossFit is becoming the sport of the future. What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in your life as a result of that transition? It is the coolest thing to walk around a grocery store or the mall or the airport and have on Reebok Nanos and all of a sudden start up a conversation b/c someone knows you are a crossfitter. More people know about it now than I ever expected. You used to have to explain the sport when someone asked what I did, now people just ask where I do it and what program I follow. It is amazing and it is only going to get bigger. 10. Favorite WOD? Why? Any workout with high skill movements and overhead movements. They come a little more natural to me and are fun. 11. Least favorite WOD? Why? I am a shorter athlete so any workout with rowing or wallballs I usually dread. 12. Favorite cheat meal? Sweets!!!!! I love them way too much. 13. What are two of your worst habits in the gym? Negative self talk. If I know I will struggle with a workout I get in my own head too much before it even begins. 14. Favorite activity to do on off days? I really enjoy cooking and trying to make up new recipes. On the weekends always try to spend time with friends catching up. 15. What is your biggest athletic accomplishment, thus far? I would have to say being on the podium at the 2013 Crossfit Games with my team from Crossfit New England and then qualifying as an individual last year for the 2014 Crossfit Games. It was incredible to be able to be there twice, once with a team and once as an individual. 16. One thing people would be surprised to know about me… I never worked out at a gym before Crossfit. I did gymnastics and that was all. I actually hated working out, when our coach would have us condition I would dread it and give it very little effort. When I went to college for Gymnastics they had us lift weights and I would cheat and complain the whole time. People that I did gymnastics with are very shocked that I took up the sport of fitness, it still surprises me as well! 17. Biggest pet-peeve? Open shower curtains, multiple noises going on at one time (ie. radio and seat belt beeping noise, two songs playing at the same time, etc.) haha, I could go on forever, I have OCD a bit, I like things in order. 18. Do you have any children? Tell us about them. I don't have any children but I have 5 nieces and nephews. My oldest sister Jamie has 3 children and my middle sister Erica has 2. All of them are 8 and under and still live in NY and I miss them a ton. They are the cutest most loving children I have ever met. 19. What is your favorite sports team? haha, I get made fun of often b/c I know nothing about sports. I thought the Bruins were a football team. Needless to say I do not have a favorite sports team. 20. If you weren’t involved in CrossFit, what sport would you be doing? I am very thankful for Crossfit b/c I am not very athletic outside of Crossfit or gymnastics. Any sports with a ball or where I would need to play any sort of defense are pretty sad to watch me attempt to play. Related Articles: The Bergeron Way: Excellence Is Not An Act, But A Habit Hughes Has Sights Set To Crush KCECC Champions Learn From Failure & Keep Grinding
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