ICYMI: 16 Yr. Old Hewitt Sets 7 World Records

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ICYMI: 16-Year-Old LeeAnn Hewitt Totals 615.5kg at IPF Worlds

Jul 1, 2016

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Iron biscuits have been spinning all over the place in the last week. Youth Nationals in Austin, TX, and Junior Worlds in Tbilisi, Georgia. However, in case you didn’t hear (because you probably didn’t) IPF Worlds were going on for powerlifters in Killeen, TX.

16-year-old LeeAnn Hewitt (84+kg) went 9/9, finishing with a 262.5kg squat, 115kg bench, and 238kg deadlift, for a 615.5kg total. For the metrically challenged, this 16-year-old back squatted 579lbs, bench pressed 254lbs, and deadlifted 525lbs. Unequipped.

That’s an impressive performance in itself, but the weekend wasn’t over for Hewitt. A couple of days later she was on a platform again an hour away at Youth Nationals. She went 4/6, with a 68kg (150lb) snatch and 98kg (216lb) clean-and-jerk, for a 166kg (366lb) total.

That’s cool I guess. That’s freaking crazy.

Photo Credit: LeeAnn Hewitt Instagram (@hewittleeann)