2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Regionals

Here's Ultimate Proof That Jacob Heppner Trains Like A Maniac

Here's Ultimate Proof That Jacob Heppner Trains Like A Maniac

Jake Heppner puts in a lot of work. Like "10 workouts a day"-type work. But what do those workouts actually look like? Here are just a few of his recent one

Apr 27, 2016 by Armen Hammer
Here's Ultimate Proof That Jacob Heppner Trains Like A Maniac
Jake Heppner puts in a lot of work. Like "10 workouts a day"-type work. But what do those workouts actually look like? Here are just a few of his recent ones.

WARNING: Reading the workouts below may actually make you dry-heave.

For time:
Unbroken deadlifts (315#)
Box jumps (30")
..rest 5 minutes..
Squat cleans, ascending weight (21 at 225#, 15 at 245#, 9 at 265#)
GHD sit ups
..rest 5 minutes..
Unbroken thrusters, ascending weight (21 at 135#, 15 at 185#, 9 at 225#)
Unbroken shoulder to overhead, ascending weight (21 at 135#, 15 at 185#, 9 at 225#)

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEpZlrrunF5" hide_caption="0"]

2-person team -
For time:
400m yoke walk (550#)

Team cumulative 1RM front squat

2-person team -
7 min. AMRAP:
10 DB snatch (100#)
1 pegboard ascent (1 person does a full round before partner starts)

2-person team -
10 rounds for time:
5 unbroken strict deficit HSPU (10”)
10 unbroken snatches (135#)

(5 rounds per person - rest while partner does a full round)

EMOM 10:
Minute 1: 3 DL (80%)
Minute 2: 3 thrusters (80%)

5 rounds for time:
100 DU
10 unbroken power cleans ascending weight (115/135/155/185/205)
10 bar facing burpees

5 rounds for time:
10 (5 left leg, 5 right leg) front rack Fatbar lunge (230#)
20 GHD sit-ups

Muscle ups
S2OH (205#)

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEjeCZLunOa" hide_caption="0"]

2-person team
Thrusters (140#)
C2B pull-ups

(Partner holds 120# atlas stone in a wall-sit while “resting”. Person 1 does 21/21 while #2 is in wall-sit, then #2 does 21/21 while #1 in wall-sit, etc.)

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEh3U84OnAn" hide_caption="0"]

2-person team -
For time:
100 stone to shoulder (120# atlas stone)

For time:
30 C&J (135#)
Rest 2 min
25 C&J (165#)
Rest 2 min
20 C&J (185#)
Rest 2 min
15 C&J (215#)
Rest 2 min
10 C&J (255#)

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEaDvUnOnNK" hide_caption="0"]

Strict HSPU
Front squats (195#)
Bar facing burpees

4 rounds for time:
25m yoke walk (540#)
7 thrusters (185#)
7 bar MU

6 rounds for time:
20 cal. Assault Air Bike
Rest 4:1

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEZy7uTunEK" hide_caption="0"]

For time:
100 wall balls
100 C2B pull-ups
100 pistols
100 DB snatch (70#)

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEZPRaxunIQ" hide_caption="0"]

For time:
5 rounds for time (“DT”):
12 DL (155#)
9 hang power cleans (155#)
6 shoulder to overhead (155#)
..Rest 5 min..
100 DB snatches (100#)
Every 10 reps do:
9 hang power cleans (155#)
6 S2OH (155#)

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEXd6RMunD7" hide_caption="0"]

For time:
2000m row
50 pistols
30 hang power cleans (225#)

Unbroken snatches on C-70 bar (135#)

For time:
20 C&J (295#)

For time:
3 rounds:
7 DL (345#)
7 MU
3 rounds:
21 wallballs
21 T2B
100ft. farmer carry (100# DBs)
28 burpee box jumps
100ft. farmer carry (100# DBs)
3 MU

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BEXLhDqOnGY" hide_caption="0"]

The total weight moved during these sessions is 219,670 lbs, and that's not including any yoke or farmer's carries. Also, this isn't a complete representation of Heppner's actual workload. According to Jacob, "I don't keep track of any my workouts. All the bad ones are on Instagram, but I have others I do for Hyperfit."