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Nov 4, 2015
This Saturday at America's Strongest Man we'll get to see the best Heavyweight and Middleweight strongmen in the US throw down to see who's on top. So how do the best pros in the US train when they're prepping to take on their toughest competition? Check it out: Heavyweights Brian Benzel with simulated car deadlifts Typically my rule is if it's 1000 all you need to do is one rep. I broke that tonight. #jobessteeljungle @jobejesse #strongman #strong #grind #grindtrainingapparel #maxmuscle #maxmusclenebraska #advancedchiropractic @maxmusclesportsnutrition @maxmusclelincoln @grindtrainingapparel @startingstrongman @andersonpowerlifting #beard #beardstrong #asc #sbd @kingkongapparel @rpstrength @caposalaskanbeardoil #cardeadlift #ASM
Oct 29, 2015
Dimitar Savatinov dominated the 2014 America's Strongest Man with only one event finish outside the top three and multiple 1st place finishes. After dealing with some shoulder and knee problems in the past year, he's back to defend his title this weekend at the 2015 ASM in Atlanta, GA.
Oct 27, 2015