picture of Annie Thorisdottir
  1. More Games Spots Are Up For Grabs On Two Different Continents

    Mar 4, 2020

    The Sanctional schedule takes a new turn on the first weekend of March. There are not one but two competitions taking place this weekend on opposite ends of the globe. Queensland, Australia, will be hosting the Australian CrossFit Championships while over in Sao Paulo, Brazil, we have the 2020 Brazil CrossFit Championship. These two events are just as important as any of the others in determining who will be a part of the 2020 CrossFit Games. Here’s what you need to know about both.
  2. Road To The Games 18.1: Sigmundsdottir, Davidsdottir, Thorisdottir!

    Apr 3, 2018

    CrossFit HQ is back at it again with some of their best content ever: the Road to the Games series.
  3. 11.6 vs 14.2 vs 13.5: Which Will You Vote For?

    Mar 22, 2018

    Dave Castro surprised everyone by putting up 18.5 to a community vote and then made it even crazier by announcing three of the gnarliest Open workouts of all time as the options: 11.6, 13.5, or 14.2.
  4. 18.5: The Three Dottirs Battle In Iceland

    Mar 21, 2018

    It’s 18.5! If you’ve survived every Open workout up until this point, this final test is nothing you can’t handle. Or at least that’s the way I’m choosing to look at it… 
  5. 2018 Open Announcement Blind Picks: Who Will Win Which Event

    Feb 20, 2018

    The 2018 Open workout announcements are full of rock-star matchups, and I’m going to tell you who will win each of them.
  6. 2017 CrossFit Games Documentary Trailer Drops Tomorrow

    Feb 8, 2018

    CrossFit HQ's media team is legit and each year they release a documentary on the previous year's CrossFit Games. The trailer for the 2017 version, called "The Redeemed and The Dominant," drops on Friday 2/9/18.
  7. 2018 CrossFit Games Open Announcement Matchups Announced

    Jan 30, 2018

    We found out last week that the 2018 CrossFit Games Open is going international, and now we know who to watch at each of those matchups.
  8. Watch WOW Stronger Live On FloElite January 6-7

    Dec 21, 2017

  9. Gudmundsson And Thorisdottir Win 2017 Dubai Fitness Championships

    Dec 20, 2017

  10. 2017 Dubai Fitness Championships Kick Off With Desert 5k!

    Dec 15, 2017

    You may have seen a lot of CrossFit Athletes traveling to the United Arab Emirates this past weekend and are wondering why? Well, the answer is the Dubai Fitness Championship taking place December 13-16.
  11. 2017 CrossFit Invitational Breakdown

    Nov 4, 2017

    The time has arrived for the 2017 CrossFit Games Invitational. This year is set to put on a show with the host location being down under in Melbourne, Australia. 
  12. Vigneault, Thorisdottir Win The 2017 Dubai Fitness Championship Qualifiers

    Nov 1, 2017

    The Dubai Fitness Championship is one of the biggest off-season competitions in the competitive exercise world. It attracts the biggest talent outside of the CrossFit Games, usually has the most volume of events outside of the Games, and also offers the biggest prize package outside of the Games.